KAP Sulaimin & Rekan

By understanding our clients, their business and industry, we help our clients to identify major risks and opportunities to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in achieving their objectives.


Financial Statements Auditing is the process of providing assurance based on auditing standards about the fairness of the information contained in a financial report prepared by management in accordance with applicable accounting standards.

We also can and do provide assurance over other aspects of organizations,for example assurance about the effectiveness of internal control so the management may obtain evidence that the control is operating effectively and also benefit on how to improve its Internal Control for its own purposes.

a. Compliance Audit

We assist our client to provide assurance about compliance with laws,regulations and contractual obligation.

b. Operational Audits

We assist the Company to improve its effectiveness and efficiency of its operations.

c. Accounting Review

We provide reviews which consists principally of inquiries of the company’s personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data for entities.

Financial accounting refers to the specific process of identifying, recording, classifying, aggregating, and reporting the information that is required for external purposes by International / Indonesian Accounting Standards.

We provide agreed-upon service applicable to the financial statements or individual items of financial data and report the factual findings resulting from our work. Our service will be conducted in accordance with related service standards applicable to agreed-upon service engagements.

We assist the company to summarize, classify and prepare the financial information.

Email: admin@lf-consult.com

Alamat: Jl. KH. Hasyim Ashari No.7, Petojo Utara, Kecamatan Gambir, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10130

Telepon: (021) 6333071/+62 812 8254 1700

Established as a network for stakeholders involved in tax advisory services and tax compliance.


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